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Assessment & Profiling

Psychological assessment is a complex, integrative, and conceptual activity that involves deriving inferences from multiple sources of information to achieve a comprehensive understanding of a client or client system. It involves the ability to measure and formulate degree of need and mental status, develop psychological profiles in response to particular referral problems, and evaluate outcome with tests, measures, and diagnostic interviewing across a range of client populations. 

Neurodiverse Profiling

This service is suitable for those who would like to explore whether their presentation may indicate a Neurodiverse profile. This can be helpful when considering whether to continue with the full diagnostic assessment.

This appointment will usually last approximately 90 minutes. At the end of this appointment, we will explore whether or not the individual may find their place upon the Neurodiverse spectrum.

This programme does not include a report and does not constitute as a formal diagnosis of a Neurodiverse condition.


ADHD Assessment

Our holistic approach to assessing ADHD ensures you get the right treatment. It involves a simple yet effective three-step process:

Get the right diagnosis and a holistic treatment plan tailored to you

Be prescribed the right medical care to treat the symptoms restricting your life. We aim to help reduce the symptoms of ADHD and enjoy more productivity, better career prospects and more fulfilling personal relationships without your symptoms getting in the way.


Autism Assessment

The formal assessment is usually conducted over three - four 90 minute appointments (depending on complexity). This will include a full detailed case history, a full completion of the MIGDAS-2, ACIA or DISCO and a detailed report and recommendations.

The MIGDAS-2 is a qualitative interview system and organisational framework that supports the development of an individualised, descriptive narrative of the child, adolescent, or adult receiving an autism spectrum diagnosis. We utilise a visual framework and descriptive language to readily identify and describe the distinctive behaviour profile of strengths and differences in cognition style that are characteristic of varying levels of the autism spectrum. Positive language enables us to better describe the diagnosis and what it means to parents, teachers, and individuals.

Our assessment, facilitates the use of positive, accessible language when describing individuals upon the autism spectrum and their differences in development. We use sensory materials and preferred topics to encourage the individual to share their worldview, what engages them and what gives them energy. This helps us understand in what way social and emotional topics and engaging in shared play can be stressful for their brain style.

We gather a more personalised insight into their experience of autism. With this individualised diagnostic process we can empower not only the individual, but also parents, caregivers and teachers, which promotes a holistic and fulfilling quality of life.

Please note, that for child assessments, there is an additional 90minute assessment session with their school teacher.


Psychological Assessment

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